Wikipedia for Schools
This curated selection of articles from Wikipedia can be used offline by school children around the world. 6000 articles, 26 million words and 50,000 images make Wikipedia for Schools bigger than Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia put together!

Wikipedia en Español
La enciclopedia de contenido libre que todos pueden editar con 1 205 867 artículos en español.

Wikcionario en Español
El diccionario libre que todos pueden editar con 836 094 entradas en español.

The free species directory that anyone can edit. It covers Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea, Protista and all other forms of life.

PhET Interactive Simulations, a project at the University of Colorado Boulder, is a non-profit[1] open educational resource (OER) project founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman. PhET began with Wiemans vision to improve the way science is taught and learned. Their stated mission is "To advance science and math literacy and education worldwide through free interactive simulations."

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
More than 4,000 cross-referenced medical articles from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Includes comprehensive illustrations and photographs.
A-Ag | Ah-Ap | Aq-Az | B-Bk | Bl-Bz | C-Cg | Ch-Co |
Cp-Cz | D-Di | Dj-Dz | E-Ep | Eq-Ez | F | G |
H-Hf | Hg-Hz | I-In | Io-Iz | J | K | L-Ln |
Lo-Lz | M-Mf | Mg-Mz | N | O | P-Pl | Pm-Pz |
Q | R | S-Sh | Si-Sp | Sq-Sz | T-Tn | To-Tz |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 |
These materials do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Hesperian Health Guides
Easy to understand, practical, accurate, and heavily illustrated guides on health topics that for remote areas where access to medical personnel and facilities is limited.
- Where There Is No Doctor. A village health care handbook. (Printable PDF)
- Where There Is No Dentist (Printable PDF)
- Where Women Have No Doctor (Printable PDF)
- Disabled Village Children (Printable PDF)
- Women with Disabilities - A Health Handbook (Printable PDF)
- A Book for Midwives: Care for pregnancy and birth (Printable PDF)
- Helping Children Who Are Deaf (Printable PDF)
- Helping Children Who Are Blind (Printable PDF)
- Cholera Prevention Fact Sheet (Printable PDF)
- Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment (Printable PDF)
- Water for Life - Community water security (Printable PDF)
- A Community Guide to Environmental Health (Printable PDF)
- Helping Health Workers Learn (Printable PDF)
These materials do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Well organized and illustrated information on a wide range of agricultural, environmental, and health topics.
- Plant
- Crops, fruits, vegetables and grains
- Pests and diseases
- Medicinal plants
- Fruit and vegetable processing
- Natural pest control
- Cultural control practices
- Human
- Healthy food
- Nutrition related diseases
- Insect transmitted diseases
- Zoonotic diseases
- Hygiene and sanitation
- Animals
- Animal husbandry and welfare
- Livestock species and commercial insects
- Livestock health and diseases
- Fodder production
- Products
- Environment
- Agro-ecological zones
- Water management
- Soil management
- Sustainable and organic agriculture
- Conservation agriculture
- Trees
- Processing and value addition
Over 80 printable magazines on farming from Kenya. Used by over 60,000 farmers for guidance and practical tips on securing and increasing their harvests through simple, environmentally friendly means.

Practical Action
Practical Action has been using appropriate technology to help people in the developing world for more than four decades. The focus is on helping local people do what they already do even better. Here you will find broad knowledge bank of technologies that you can replicate.
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Crop processing
- Disaster response, mitigation and rebuilding
- Energy
- Environment and adaptation to climate change
- Fisheries
- Food processing
- Information, communication, learning
- Livestock
- Manufacturing, handicraft, process industries
- Natural resources management
- Social and economic development
- Transport and infrastructure
- Waste management
- Water and sanitation

Great Books of the World
A searchable, categorized selection of over 400 of the most beloved and respected books from around the world, collected from Project Gutenberg.
- Top 100 Favorites
- Top 100 Non-Fiction
- Adventure (24 titles)
- Biographies (24 titles)
- Children's Stories (23 titles)
- Comedy & Humor (38 titles)
- Drama (35 titles)
- Fantasy (20 titles)
- Folklore (7 titles)
- Historical Fiction (38 titles)
- Historical Non-Fiction (30 titles)
- Horror (18 titles)
- Mystery (17 titles)
- Philosophy & Religion (30 titles)
- Poetry (41 titles)
- Romance (35 titles)
- Science Fiction (27 titles)
- Short Stories (25 titles)

Grandes Libros del Mundo
Una búsqueda, selección por categorías de más de 400 de los más queridos y libros respetados de todo el mundo, recogidas de Project Gutenberg.
- Mejor Ficción (108 títulos)
- No ficción de América (33 títulos)
- Otros no-ficción (82 títulos)
- Diverso (121 títulos)

CK-12 Textbooks
High quality textbooks on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) from ck12.org.
- Algebra Explorations, Pre-K through Grade 7
- Basic Algebra
- Basic Algebra Concepts
- Algebra 1
- Algebra I Teacher's Edition
- Algebra 2
- Basic Geometry
- Basic Geometry, Teacher's Edition
- Basic Geometry Concepts
- Geometry
- Geometry, Teacher's Edition
- CK-12 Trigonometry Concepts
- Trigonometry
- Trigonometry, Teacher's Edition
- Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course
- Basic Probability and Statistics - A Full Course
- CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course
- CK-12 Advanced Probability and Statistics Concepts
- Probability and Statistics (Advanced Placement)
- Advanced Probability and Statistics Teacher's Edition
- Calculus
- Calculus, Teacher's Edition
- Basic Physics
- CK-12 People's Physics Concepts
- Physics - From Stargazers to Starships
- 21st Century Physics
- Chemistry
- Chemistry, Teacher's Edition
- Chemistry - Labs & Demos
- Biology
- Biology Workbook
- Biology, Teacher's Edition
- Life Science for Middle School
- Earth Science Concepts
- Earth Science for Middle Schools
- Earth Science for High Schools
- Engineering - An Introduction for High School
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