Project 1) Donor script can be found at this location -> And this one must be config to python. The result of the script must be send to with the same kind of json put to the domotica system. Where the text of the message that is imported can be send as text to the device, and the alert level is always 0 but when there is inside the message an GRIP value it must be follow this table± No grip level = level 1 GRIP1 = level 2 GRIP2 and 3 = Level 3 GRIP4 = level 4 (info -> ) Alert sensor /json.htm?type=command¶m=udevice&idx=IDX&nvalue=LEVEL&svalue=TEXT • IDX = id of your device (This number can be found in the devices tab in the column "IDX") • Level = (0=gray, 1=green, 2=yellow, 3=orange, 4=red) • TEXT = Text you want to display About the import by rss it's possible that I receive the info from the Air with this tool direct on the system So when it's easyer to do it direct with this info then we can use this part. Project 2) I have 1 source location of the government -> That contains the air quality in the Netherlands from different locations and for different type of gassed in the air. When you check this source you see that every hour is made an few xml files that contain for each gas the location and the measurement For example inside 2017040711.xml you can read out for location NL01493 the next info: 07/04/201711NL01489PM10ug/m3280 It means that the gas PM10 as an value of 28ug/m3 for the location NL01489 So basically what the purpose of the script is that you insert manual the NL location that is used inside the XML files, and for each gas (total 4, PM10, O3, NO, CO and sometimes SO2 and NH3) you set the idx number for domoticz. The script must then send every 1 hour based on the last XML file in the list the data to the 4 different idx devices inside domoticz. For sending the value you can use the next json url: /json.htm?type=command¶m=udevice&idx=IDX&nvalue=0&svalue=VALUE there is from the goverment already an website with differnt kind of info. Maybe there is some handy info to find ->