navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration - Get the current acceleration along the _x_, _y_, and _z_ axes.
navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration - Retrieves the device's current `Acceleration` at a regular interval, executing
the `accelerometerSuccess` callback function each time.
navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch - Stop watching the `Acceleration` referenced by the `watchID` parameter.
get picture from journal
get the picture from camera
navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName]) : message: Dialog message (String), alertCallback : Callback to invoke when alert dialog is dismissed (Function), title: Dialog title(String) (Optional, defaults to `Alert`), buttonName: Button name (String) (Optional, defaults to `OK`)
navigator.notification.confirm(message, confirmCallback, [title], [buttonLabels]) - message: Dialog message (String), confirmCallback: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0) (Function), title: Dialog title (String)(Optional, defaults to `Confirm`) buttonLabels: Array of strings specifying button labels(Array)(Optional, defaults to [`OK,Cancel`])
navigator.notification.prompt - Displays a native dialog box that is more customizable than the browser's `prompt` function - navigator.notification.prompt(message, promptCallback, [title], [buttonLabels], [defaultText]) :: message: Dialog message.(String) ; promptCallback: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0). (Function); title: Dialog title(String) (Optional, defaults to `Prompt`) ; buttonLabels: Array of strings specifying button labels (Array) (Optional, defaults to `["OK","Cancel"]`); defaultText: Default textbox input value (`String`) (Optional, Default: empty string)
Loading device properties...
It defines a global object device with the following properties :
device.model : Get the hardware model from the gio ssettings
device.cordova: the version of cordova
device.platform: returns 'sugar'
device.uuid:returns the serial number
device.version:version of sugar
The `connection` object, exposed via `navigator.connection`, provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection.
navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage. Get the BCP 47 language tag for the client's current language.
navigator.globalization.getLocaleName. Returns the BCP 47 compliant tag for the client's current locale setting.