Founders Alan Runyan (runyaga) -- Python, ZPT guidance, and insistence. "Runyaga LLC": Alexander Limi (limi) -- XHTML/CSS wizardry, ZPT, translation files - and most importantly - usability design and user interface. "Plone Solutions": Vidar Andersen (blacktar) -- original visual design and ambience. "Black Tar": The Plone Team The following people contributed to help iron out wrinkles, gave feedback and contributed code. Geir Bækholt (elvix) -- Javascript, CSS - "Plone Solutions": Helge Tesdal (tesdal) -- Code king - "Plone Solutions": Andy McKay (andym) -- Windows installer, migrations, ZopeZen, chief cynic - "ClearWind": Zope Corporation -- Producing ZOPE and CMF (especially Tres Seaver, Shane Hathaway, and Andrew Sawyers) - "Zope Corporation": Philipp Auersperg (zwork) -- Navigation Tree and QuickInstaller - "BlueDynamics": Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) -- Python guru - "Dreamcatching": Steve Alexander (SteveA) -- Helpful ZOPE Guru - "Cat-Box": Lalo Martins (lalo) -- Zope Plumbing, initial PortalFactory, PTS, occasional guru - "Asteroid L": Kapil Thangavelu (hazmat) -- Helpful ZOPE Guru - "ObjectRealms": Geoff Davis (plonista) -- FormController and deep insight Luis Lavena -- Windows icons Stian Søiland -- CSS tips Michael Zeltner (eaon) -- CSS wizardry, XHTML, neverending patience and persistence - "niij*": Manfred Ackermann -- Persistent and faithful tester Andy Dawkins (andyd) -- Calendar and general Zopista Ignacio Valdes -- Documentation, questions Magnus Heino (magnus) -- Python guru David Harvey -- Python, ZPT, makes sures things dont fall through the cracks Florent Guillaume (efge) -- General helpfulness, CMF pointers and i18n Kevin McKeown -- QA and testing Jonagustine Lim (jlim) -- Organized testing Maisa Fonseca (devgirl) -- i18n work Godefroid Chapelle (__gotcha) -- Tools subclassing, i18n - "BubbleNet": Dieter Maurer -- Python/Zope omniscience and help around the bobosphere. Gregoire Weber -- Add-on components and adventuring into the realm of Editions. Stefan Holek (lurker) -- For the elegant unit testing framework. Paul Everitt (ev) -- PR, help, advice and enthusiasm - "Zope Europe": Christian Heimes (Tiran) -- Bug hunting 'till dawn and small improvements. Michael Haubenwallner -- Small column hide script. Leonard Norrgard (vinsci) -- i18n, editing, QA, bugfixing etc... "Refactor": Chad Whitacre -- Action Menu Fixes - "Zetaweb": Alec Mitchell (alecm) -- Bug fixes in all corners, new features here and there. Martin Aspeli (optilude) -- Bits hanging off the "display" menu and various other bits that hang off these bits, and many bug fixes here and there, some navtree refactoring, a few features and a lot of grinding of teeth. Florian Schulze (fschulze) -- Javascript, CSS, bug fixing, bug categorization and usability without javascript. Hanno Schlichting (hannosch) -- i18n, bug fixes and more Danny Bloemendaal (_ender_) -- Usability and user interface design, bug fixes and add-ons. Leonardo Rochael Almeida (L-Array) -- Username/UserId separation work. Ofer Weisglass (oferw) -- RTL support vigilance and restless testing. Wichert Akkerman (wiggy) -- various things all over - "Amaze": Companies (in randomized order): "Ingeniweb": -- Support, contributions and Press. Maik Roeder, Kamon Ayeva, P.J. Grizel. "Solution2U": -- i18n support, contributions, bug fixes and testing. Jodok Batlogg, Dominik Bartenstein "Plone Solutions": -- Time and constant dedication of Alexander Limi, Helge Tesdal, Geir Bækholt. "4teamwork": -- Sponsorship, UI work, and testing. Bernard Buehlman and Pascal Habegger. "RedCor": -- Sponsorship, testing, and contributions. Robert Rotterman. "BlueDynamics": -- Purity of heart and soul in the open source. Hosting the best sprint we've attended in Goldegg Castle. Philipp Auersperg is a core member of the Plone team. Robert Boulanger for practing eXtreme Organization as well as pushing the community forward. Gogo for comic relief. "Project01": -- Bug fixes. "Ref/lab": -- Reflow, bug fixes and workflow guruness. Vincenzo, Francisco, Lorenzo. "x3ng": -- Good client work. "Amaze": -- Giving people feedback on how to use Archetypes and providing ArchExamples. "AbstractEdge": -- Benjamin Saller, Jonah Bossewitch and their management for all the great contributions and open mindedness. "Tyrell": -- Sponsoring Jim Roepcke's time. "Refactor": -- Sponsoring Leonard Norrgard's time. "gocept": -- LinkChecking and Christian Theune's time. "Netalley Networks": -- Tom Croucher and Joseph Geldart for CSS, JS, Section 508 and WAI-AAA compliance. "COM.lounge": -- Excellent work on the migration scripts from 1.0 to 2.0, special thanks to Christian 'Tiran' Heimes. "Informaat": -- Sponsoring Danny Bloemendaal's time (_ender_). "The Open Planning Project": -- Sponsoring some of Alec Mitchell's time (alecm). #plone and #zope on for insight and soapbox to preach from. "ZopeLabs": for useful scripts "Amaze": -- Hosting for and some of Wichert Akkerman's time. Please help out the Plone and CMF communities by becoming involved. Check out "The Plone Website": for more information.