C64 outcounts INTEL Pentium --------------------------- That a PC is a worthless computer is known for many years, but that it isn't even reliable as a simple calculator is new to me. It all began on 30 oktober 1994 when a serious bug was found in the Pentium of INTEL. A mathematics teacher called Thomas Nicely of the Lynchbug College in Virginia found the bug while he was using his PC. The moment the bug was found he put a message on Internet but nobody replied. This bug has already got its own name : The FDIV Bug. The number at the end makes the impression that it wasn't the first. By the way , this Thomas Nicely now works at INTEl as an advisor. The more I think about it , the more it looks like INTEL gave him a job just so he would shut up about the bug. The bug he encountered is : (824633702441.0) multiplied by (1/824633702441.0) = 0.99999999627409702 . Hahaha , this is completely wrong !!!! Because the answer to this simple calculation = ---->>> 1 <<<--- !!! This error can be checked very easily if you put it in your windows- calculator. Try it if you have a Pentium in your posession !!! When I sent a letter to INTEL they said that the bug would only occur once in a 27.000 years , so I put up a little test whith my AMIGA. I wrote a program that would link up my AMIGA to a PC and give them the same random calculations and compared the results. After 5 min. nothing had happened , but suddenly I came up with two different answers !!! Once in a 27.000 years my ass !!! This was proof for me that a Pentium is a really lousy calculator. I even tried the same sum on a C64 and guess what , same answer as on my AMIGA ! I am not the only person that came to the conclusion that the Pentium is bad news for PeeCees, the sytems at NASA crashed severel times at same bug I encountered. Now, scientists all over the world confirm that the bug occurs very often. INTEL has already solled 5.5 million of these Pentiums and is NOT planning to replace the buggy versions due to some very serious financial problems the company is having at this moment. INTEL already was out of money , but now that all the people have lost there trust in the company, it is almost certain that INTEL does no longer exists. While at the other companies like Motorola (the main company on wich AMIGA is based) , they are working on the 68060 at 400 Mhz !!! (without bugs ofcource). In the meantime it is adviseble not to use or buy any Pentium for the use of anything else then games , so no : raytracing, calculating, spreadsheet etc. I wish all the people that have already bought this buggy chip all the luck in the world because by God you're gonna need it ! Translated from Dutch by Cavedude. Typed by Cavedude. Original source by the "Telegraaf" newspaper. Greetings fly out to : Team Hoi, Chaotic, Inferno, Dancer, Taz Devil Thanx goes to : The motherfucker for the supply of the original. (c) 1994 --------