Team Unplugged is delighted that you have found your way to our prototype website.This website is a result of the work of a diverse international team working on a project with the Stanford University Venture Lab MOOC course, Designing A New Learning Environment. Many of our team members are long-time volunteers with One Laptop Per Child. Others came to the project because of their passion for improving the educational experience of children all over the world, even if their local community lacks internet and other infrastructure.
We hope to give you a taste of things to come here. We are still in the process of filling our website with information and resources, and we have already outgrown our limits! We will be moving to a new design after the first of the year (January 2013), but you will still be able to find us at “”
We cordially invite you to fill this blog space with questions and ideas for us about our LocalFi project. So far, we are gearing up to serve the over 2 million XO laptops deployed all over the world. But, we hope to expand to other platforms in the near future.
If you are interested in trying LocalFi with XOs at your own school, or a deployment you are working with, be sure to let us know so we can make it happen! If you use a different platform with your students, tell us what you are using and what your infrastructure limitations are so we can see how we can help you too.
Everything on our website and in our project is and will continue to be free-libre, open source courseware and resources and will be provided at no charge to our clients. Of course, donations will be accepted!
Caryl Bigenho, Unplugged Team Leader