Alerts appear at the top of the body of your activity.
At a high level, Alert and its different variations (TimeoutAlert, ConfirmationAlert, etc.) have a title, an alert message and then several buttons that the user can click. The Alert class will pass “response” events to your activity when any of these buttons are clicked, along with a response_id to help you identify what button was clicked.
Create a simple alert message.
from import Alert
# Create a new simple alert
alert = Alert()
# Populate the title and text body of the alert.
alert.props.title = _('Title of Alert Goes Here')
alert.props.msg = _('Text message of alert goes here')
# Call the add_alert() method (inherited via the
# superclass of Activity) to add this alert to the activity window.
Bases: gi.repository.Gtk.EventBox
UI interface for Alerts
Alerts are used inside the activity window instead of being a separate popup window. They do not hide canvas content. You can use add_alert() and remove_alert() inside your activity to add and remove the alert. The position of the alert is below the toolbox or top in fullscreen mode.
Parameters: |
Add a button to the alert
Parameters: |
Returns: | Gtk.Button: the button added to the alert |
Get alert property, GObject internal method. Use the alert.props object, eg:
title = alert.props.title
Set alert property, GObject internal method. Use the alert.props object, eg:
alert.props.title = 'Are you happy?'
Remove a button from the alert by the given response id
Parameters: | response_id (int) – the same response id passed to add_button |
Returns: | None |
This is a ready-made two button (Cancel, Ok) alert.
A confirmation alert is a nice shortcut from a standard Alert because it comes with ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons already built-in. When clicked, the ‘OK’ button will emit a response with a response_id of Gtk.ResponseType.OK, while the ‘Cancel’ button will emit Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL.
Parameters: | **kwargs – options for |
from import ConfirmationAlert
# Create a Confirmation alert (with ok and cancel buttons standard)
# then add it to the UI.
def _alert_confirmation(self):
alert = ConfirmationAlert()
alert.props.title=_('Title of Alert Goes Here')
alert.props.msg = _('Text message of alert goes here')
alert.connect('response', self._alert_response_cb)
# Called when an alert object throws a response event.
def _alert_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
# Remove the alert from the screen, since either a response button
# was clicked or there was a timeout
# Do any work that is specific to the type of button clicked.
if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
print 'Ok Button was clicked. Do any work upon ok here ...'
elif response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
print 'Cancel Button was clicked.'
This is a ready-made one button (Ok) alert.
An error alert is a nice shortcut from a standard Alert because it comes with the ‘OK’ button already built-in. When clicked, the ‘OK’ button will emit a response with a response_id of Gtk.ResponseType.OK.
Parameters: | **kwargs – options for |
from import ErrorAlert
# Create a Error alert (with ok button standard)
# and add it to the UI.
def _alert_error(self):
alert = ErrorAlert()
alert.props.title=_('Title of Alert Goes Here')
alert.props.msg = _('Text message of alert goes here')
alert.connect('response', self._alert_response_cb)
# called when an alert object throws a response event.
def _alert_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
# Remove the alert from the screen, since either a response button
# was clicked or there was a timeout
# Do any work that is specific to the response_id.
if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
print 'Ok Button was clicked. Do any work upon ok here'
Timeout alert with only an “OK” button. This should be used just for notifications and not for user interaction. The alert will timeout after a given length, similar to a
Parameters: |
from import NotifyAlert
# create a Notify alert (with only an 'OK' button) then show it
def _alert_notify(self):
alert = NotifyAlert()
alert.props.title = _('Title of Alert Goes Here')
alert.props.msg = _('Text message of notify alert goes here')
alert.connect('response', self._alert_response_cb)
def __alert_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
# Hide the alert from the user
assert response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK
This is a ready-made two button (Continue, Cancel) alert. The continue button contains a visual countdown indicating the time remaining to the user. If the user does not select a button before the timeout, the response callback is called and the alert is usually removed.
Parameters: |
from import TimeoutAlert
# Create a Timeout alert (with ok and cancel buttons standard) then
# add it to the UI
def _alert_timeout(self):
# Notice that for a TimeoutAlert, you pass the number of seconds
# in which to timeout. By default, this is 5.
alert = TimeoutAlert(10)
alert.props.title = _('Title of Alert Goes Here')
alert.props.msg = _('Text message of timeout alert goes here')
alert.connect('response', self.__alert_response_cb)
# Called when an alert object throws a response event.
def __alert_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
# Remove the alert from the screen, since either a response button
# was clicked or there was a timeout
# Do any work that is specific to the type of button clicked.
if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
print 'Ok Button was clicked. Do any work upon ok here ...'
elif response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
print 'Cancel Button was clicked.'
elif response_id == -1:
print 'Timeout occurred'