
Fototoon Activity

Design, Construct, Plan, Produce, Invent, Devise, MakeAll subject areas, ages 7 and up (some reading and writing skills needed)

Fototoon is the perfect Activity for doing final projects in virtually any subject area. It allows students to creatively express what they have learned in the form of a graphic “comic strip” using the topics and images created or chosen by the student. It is also a perfect vehicle for small group work. The steps for creating a project in Fototoon are simple.

Using the subject being studied, a topic to illustrate is chosen. In the sample shown the subject was health and the topic was nutrition. The project creator chose “Healthy Snacks” for their comic strip. A four panel project was planned because it would work best for printing in landscape view on regular paper. Larger comics can be made and viewed on the screen with scrolling but, if you plan to print them out, it is best to stick with 4 panels.


To get you thinking, here are just a few other ideas for comic strip projects:

The possibilities are limitless!